The Money to Learn Education Maintenance Allowance, known as EMA, is a payment of £30 a week which is paid fortnightly straight into your bank account.
Applying for Education Maintenance Allowance
Application forms, accompanying notes and general information on the EMA Scheme can be found using the link below.
Before applying for EMA Before applying for EMA:
- think about what course you want to do and where you might want to study
- if you already have a bank account in your name, make sure it can accept direct credits or you will need to open another account
Enrolment and EMA Learning Agreement
After you have enrolled at a school or college you have to sign an EMA Learning
Agreement in two parts. The first part covers what sessions you must be present at and in most cases will also make reference to the course you are studying. It might also refer to the Code of Behaviour expected within the school or FE college. To get your payment, you have to go to all their sessions.
How payments are made
Payments will be made directly to your bank account.
If you are acting on behalf of a student with Special Educational Needs and /or one who can’t hold their own bank or building society account, you will need to prove you are legally able to act as a third party for the EMA applicant.
You will need to send documents from a public body (for example the Department of Health) or a Power of Attorney confirming that you are authorised to act and/or accept payments on the student’s behalf. Examples include a statement of the student’s special educational needs or a letter showing you receive Disability Living Allowance on behalf of the student.
All evidence should be original and will be returned as soon as possible.
For further information or advice contact the EMA Customer Services Team.